Category: Kinze News

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Farming Practices in Europe

Farming is a global industry with significant activity on every continent other than Antarctica. As we have traveled the world and met farmers in many different countries, we have learned that there are many similarities in how we all go about producing crops to contribute to feeding our growing populations....

Merry Christmas Everyone!

2016 was another challenging year in agriculture, but it is not the challenges that define you; it is how you face them. Not one word can simply define Kinze employees, dealers and partners this year; it takes five: integrity, customer focus, excellence, innovation and mutual respect. Below are some examples...

Upgrading Your Current Kinze Planter

Update existing Kinze planters with the latest technologies to boost yields and extend the useful life of your planter. Retrofit kits to improve seed depth control and spacing, enable variable rate planting, reduce seed waste, and improve planting performance are available. Improve Seed Spacing Precision Upgrade to superior singulation and...

Thanksgiving: Brought to You by Farmers

As you enjoy time with your family this weekend, remember your holiday table represents more than just food and football. It represents generosity, gratitude, unity, tradition and above all — hard work. Every dish was prepared with care, but only after weeks (or months) of labor and sacrifice by farmers...

Measuring Seed Spacing Accuracy

Accuracy Then and Now Twenty-five years ago, when farmers went to the field to plant, the planting monitor on the tractor was typically equipped with simple indicator lights showing seeds were actually getting to the ground. If a seed tube became plugged, the monitor alarm would sound, and the problem...

Kinze Single Auger Grain Carts Are Working Hard!

The new Kinze single auger grain carts were introduced at the Farm Progress Show in August and were very well received. While they will not be available until 2017, a few lucky farmers have been able to use them on their farms this fall. Enjoy this video of the new...