Ion Moroi Marks One year of successful planting with Kinze

GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL, an agricultural company operating in the Falesti region in Moldova, has experienced significant improvements in their farming practices through the adoption of Kinze products. Ion Moroi, the owner of GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL, shares his experience highlighting the transformative impact of Kinze machinery. With a focus on versatility, reliability, and precision, GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL has harnessed the power of Kinze equipment to optimize their agricultural operations across multiple crops.

Ion Moroi Standing In Field of Wheat In the Falesti Region of Moldova

The Decision to Choose Kinze 

When considering their options in the market, GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL found that Kinze planters perfectly met all their needs. The planter’s ability to meet the necessary parameters played a pivotal role in their decision to invest in Kinze. Ivan emphasizes that, after extensive market research, no other models matched Kinze’s ability to fulfill their specific needs. The comprehensive capabilities and exceptional quality of Kinze products made it the ideal choice for GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL. 

Optimized Planting Processes 

By acquiring the Kinze Model 3005 planter with Split Row, GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL enhanced their planting operations. With a focus on precision and efficiency, the Kinze planter consistently achieved high-quality results across multiple crops, including rapeseed, wheat, barley, sunflower, and corn. GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL’s experience showcases the planter’s ability to optimize planting depth, seed spacing, and uniformity, ultimately maximizing yield potential. 

Embracing Liquid Fertilizers 

One key aspect that sets GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL’s operations apart is their successful use of liquid fertilizers on their Kinze planter. Ion highlights the superior performance and economic efficiency of liquid fertilizers, particularly in dry conditions. To further enhance their efficiency, GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL plans to replace the dry fertilizer tanks on some of their machines with liquid fertilizer tanks. The combination of planting with 35 cm Row Spacing and liquid fertilizers has proven to be a winning formula for the company’s agricultural endeavors. 

Driving Productivity with Kinze 

GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL’s positive experience with Kinze products extends beyond improved efficiency and productivity. Ion shares that the use of Kinze equipment resulted in significant cost savings compared to alternative options available in the market. Additionally, GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL appreciates the wide range of tillage technologies that Kinze machinery accommodates, making it a versatile and invaluable asset for their diverse crop cultivation. 

Recommendation to Fellow Farmers 

Based on their success with Kinze, Ivan encourages other farmers to embrace the technology and versatility that Kinze products offer. He advises fellow agricultural professionals to experiment and explore the full potential of Kinze machinery, emphasizing its ability to meet specific requirements across various crops and tillage technologies. GLAVMOREX AGRO SRL’s thriving partnership with Kinze and its dealer in Moldova JM Invest group stands as a testament to the effectiveness and reliability of their products.  By choosing Kinze, agricultural professionals can unlock their full potential and drive success in their farming endeavors. 

Vastar Agro Enhances Crop Productivity with Kinze 3600 Planter