Wrapping Up the 2017 Harvest

November 27, 2017 Crop Report

The latest USDA “Crop Progress” report came out on November 27, 2017, and reported that 95% of corn has been harvested in the primary production states. This compares to 90% harvested the previous week, 98% a year ago, and the 5-year average of 98%. The report did not report on soybean acres. For the full report with state-by-state data, click here.

Wrapping Up Harvest

During the 2017 harvest, many of you uploaded your harvesting photos to the Kinze Facebook Harvest Album. Thank you so much for your contributions and for using Kinze Grain Carts in your harvest! Here are few of the contributions that were submitted. To see all of them, visit our Harvest Album.

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